
take 2

 Pandemic?  WHAT pandemic?  I'm fairly certain this is what the majority of the people are thinking these days.  I am seriously questioning "the powers that be" who declare this or that festival/fair is ON this year - oh yes, let's actually ENCOURAGE people to congregate.  *sigh*  And on the front page of the local paper the other morning, above the fold, told the story of two people currently infected (un-vaccinated)  and in the hospital.  But below the fold, on the front page?  Pictures of people at the fair...not a one masked. *sigh*

And that's all I'm going to say on that subject.  Honestly, I had a whole post written regarding my peeves of late.  And then I deleted it.  I figured I would be preaching to the choir, as it were.  And it just seemed counter-productive to lightening the mood.  We could all use a little lightening up right about now, I think.


The Husband has spent the entire weekend smoking something or other.  Currently, we have a smoked roast of some type and just now he came in with two GIANT chickens.  Apparently, the fact that there only two of us here has completely escaped his attention.  I informed him that even if we included our friends two doors down, we still have more food than the seven of us could eat.

At least, for the most part, he's gotten past the need to tell me all of the things about the smoker.  Thank God for small favors.


We decided, after much agonizing, to cancel our trip to see my mother-in-law.  We just can't risk it for her as much as for ourselves.  At any rate, my sister-in-law requested that we do a video.  Apparently, she is compiling videos from those of us that can't attend the surprise party for my MIL.  

We determined that we would do the video today.  And all I can say about that is we were howling with laughter at several of our attempts.

video test



Printable Recipe

Printable Recipe

fkfjadgkj akdfsadasjhaskjdnfasj dfs adf

1/2 cup water

Mix. Stir, etc.

Oven 350

Bake for twenty minutes.

take 2

 Pandemic?  WHAT pandemic?  I'm fairly certain this is what the majority of the people are thinking these days.  I am seriously question...